Thai Green Curry - menu

Serves 4
Active time: 15 minutes
Start to finish: 60 minutes


Press the tofu and drain for at least 20 minutes to release all the excess water.

In the meantime, make your green curry paste. In a food processor or blender, mix the prepared lemongrass, garlic, shallot, chiles, ginger, basil, cilantro, cumin, coriander, white pepper, agave, lime juice, and 1/4 can of the coconut milk. Set aside the remaining coconut milk to use later. Blitz well to make a fragrant green curry paste.

In a large pot, add the olive oil and heat over medium heat for 1 minute. Sauté the onion for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the cubed tofu and vegetables, and continue to sauté for and additional 2-3 minutes. You want the vegetables to remain firm. Pour the remaining coconut milk into the pot. Next stir in the curry paste slowly to get a nice smooth sauce. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for at least 20 minutes.

Serve the curry in warm bowls atop brown basmati rice.

Helpful Hint: You can find fresh lemongrass in most Asian food and grocery stores. Look in your local grocery store in the specialty produce department. When buying fresh lemongrass, look for stalks that are fragrant and tightly formed. To prepare fresh lemongrass, you want to use the softer, fleshier part of the lemongrass. This is located under the tough outer leaves. Peel away the outer layers with your fingers and discard. Using a sharp knife, cut off the lower bulb about 2 inches from the bottom of the stalk and discard. Now it should be failry easy to cut up the lemongrass. Starting from the lower end (where the bulb was) make thin slices up to two thirds of the stalk. Now place the sliced lemongrass in a food processor and pulse five times. You have just prepared your lemongrass.